Friday, July 24, 2009


I'm very sorry i didn't update dis blog..cuz i decided to create a new blog..but after awhile i 4get already to update dis blog..its kinda hard cuz there's nothing share..hmm..i will try to find a way to share something to u..hehe..


Thursday, June 18, 2009

My HoLy 1St CoMmUnIoN

tonight is my 1st holy communion i was hoping u be there 2 give some support or taking pictures..
Place:Sacred Heart Church Inobong P'nampang..

Sunday, May 31, 2009

KoToBiAn TaDaU dO kAaMaTaN tOuN 2009!

I'm very sowy cuz last night i went to see the unduk ngadau and 'tia sempat" to say KOTOBIAN DO TADAU KAAMATAN!But atleast i say it right?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

HUHU.... :(

why nobody wants to comment my post wor..only one followers??
tambah lagi!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009


WAAAAA!!!! Its great to have my frens back but I'm really sad b'coz i couldn't took any pictures of my frens from YUE MIN...Huhu....:(((((
I did see them and even talk to them and b'coz of tht i 4got to take a picture of them..only after a day or a minute i odi miss them...T_T....its must be sad missing them huh???I did see my best fren...but not all...if contact number only one of my frens from YUE MIN....:(
but after i got home my messanges didn't reply....but i could call them and ask them to give their number to me...i hope they are very helpfull enough...
Hope to see them next year or someday....i really miss them soo much..but i also hope tht they will invite me again to a party or to library....and i will also invite them to my birthday party or anything...huhu....
